Volunteering - Longtimber Woods general path tidy


Last week the volunteers and Town Council Parks staff tackled a couple of overgrown paths at Longtimber Woods. This included the pavement footpath which runs along the side of Station Road. We managed to cut back and also remove the soil building up along the edge. Once completed, the path was almost 2 foot wider in some sections. We also cleared a section of Footpath 6, which runs through the woods towards the viaduct, clearing the soil from the boardwalk and over-hanging vegetation, making the path wider and more accessible.

A great turn out of volunteers last week, having 6 people join Lou and myself meant we could tackle these two jobs. Thanks again to everyone that helped and for all the encouraging comments from members of the public passing by, these are always welcome! If you ever feel like getting involved then please email me at [email protected] to find out more information.

Andrew Price – Parks Ranger