Volunteering - Longtimber Woods Boardwalk Repair


Last Thursday Lou and I were joined by 4 volunteers to carry out boardwalk repairs and non-native invasive species vegetation control along a section of footpath 6 in Longtimber Woods. We had a new volunteer join us, Matthew, who kindly got stuck in and helped me carry the sleepers down to the existing boardwalk below the viaduct. We then cleared the soil around the boardwalk and installed 4 new sleepers. We will need to return with another two in the near future to complete the task. This makes the boardwalk section wider and earlier to access. We also cleared non-native species such as pheasant berry and laurel, which left unchecked will spread and shade out native plant species, from that section of the path.

Thanks to all the volunteers for helping, if you'd like to get involved then please let me know. Our next volunteer task is being held on Tuesday 23rd November at Filham Park - hedgerow maintenance, this task will involve clearing and weeding around the base of the hedge we planted two years ago, we will meet at 10am at the car park in Filham Park and finish no later than 2pm.

Andrew - Park Ranger

[email protected]