Volunteering - Victoria Park meadow cut


For wildflower meadows to work well, the grass needs to be cut once a year. This works best after the grass has gone to seed and the flowers have finished and dropped their seeds, but before the grass has started to wilt later in the year. Cutting and removing as much of the grass as possible means we can stop most of the nutrients from returning to the soil as wildflowers grow best in nutrient poor ground.

Last week Lou and I were joined by 3 volunteers who helped cut, rake and remove the grass in two thirds of the nature area wildflower meadow. We have left some grass as cover for insects, and where plants are still in flower. We will return in a month to 6 weeks’ time to cut the rest. The volunteers also cut back the hedge, reducing it in height, making it easier to see into the nature area. Luckily the shade kept us all cool during a very hot day. 

Many thanks to Pat, Clare and Mark for all their help.

Anyone wishing to get involved in similar tasks, then please email me on [email protected]