Volunteering - Pound Farm Lane Path Tidy Up


On a very hot day last week I was joined by 5 volunteers to help improve the access along the top end of Footpath 1, the sections from Ivydene road to Blachford road. We managed 4 hours in the heat, cutting back the overhanging trees, hedge trimming and clearing over 8 dumpy bags of soils and vegetation from the path surface. The aim is to improve access, without cutting everything back too hard, this still allows nesting bird to go undisturbed, wildflowers and insects to still flourish.

Many thanks once again to everyone helping out the local community, the volunteers did an excellent jobs. If you fancy getting involved in local volunteering tasks, then please either email me at [email protected] or call the Town Hall on 01752 893815 and I’ll get back to you.

Andrew – Ivybridge Town Council Parks Ranger.