Information and Links about Ivybridge

Clubs and Groups

Air Cadets

Devon Senior Voice

01392 248919

Erme WI

German Society

01752 698541

Guides & Brownies

Ivybridge Allotments Association

Please contact the Town Hall on 01752 893815 and we will provide contact details.

Ivybridge Bowls Club

01752 892858

Ivybridge Camera Club

Ivybridge Community Choir

01626 870107

Ivybridge Environmental Action Group

Ivybridge Heritage and Archives Group

Ivybridge Rail Users Group

Ivybridge Theatre Company

01752 893308

Ivybridge U3A

01752 658164

Ivybridge Veterans Support Group

Memory Cafe (Dementia Sufferers & Carers)

07498 746944


01752 892676

Plymouth & District Coarse Angling Club

Riding for the Disabled (Erme Valley)

07511 978245

Rotary Club of Ivybridge

01752 894766

Royal British Legion

01752 691645


Slimming World

South Dartmoor Community Energy

0800 1123044

Stairways Club (Adults with Learning Disabilities)

01752 691648

Trefoil Guild

01752 939757

Visual Impairment Support (children)

01752 891934

Youth for Christ

01752 898546

Community Association

Chapel Place

07708 049985

Social Services

Devon Social Care

Care Direct (Older people, vulnerable adults and their carers): 0345 155 1007

Children's Social Work: 0345 155 1078

Out of hours emergencies: 0345 600 0388

Street Lighting


0845 155 1004

0800 197 6763