Community Awards
Ivybridge has many incredible volunteers who do a fantastic job in the town and the Mayor, Cllr Spencer, was delighted to present the 2023 Community Awards at the Annual Town Meeting on 18 March.
We are delighted to announce that our award winners were:
The Salvation Army – The Bridge have been chosen to receive The Nick Cummins Community Group of the Year Award, in recognition of the service they provide to the community, collecting toys each Christmas for the toy appeal, running the café providing a non-judgemental safe place where everyone is welcome, running the Bees baby bank, providing emergency help and white goods and clothing for those in need and at the last minute holding the Christmas Lunch on 25th December for all those in need or alone.
Mavis Sturman was chosen to receive The David Britton Citizen of the Year Award in recognition of all the amazing voluntary work she is involved in, with the Brownies, Guides and Trefoil, with The Bridge, St John’s Church and generally for her smiling, friendly personality and insatiable appetite for helping others over so many years.
The continuing selfless endeavours of everyone who volunteers in the town are very much appreciated. We will be seeking nominations for the 2024 community awards in the autumn so please do watch out for this if you know of someone who deserves to be recognised!