A page with updates on the Town Council actions to tackle the climate and ecological emergency

In 2019 Ivybridge Town Council resolved to declare a climate emergency and endorse the Devon Climate Declaration.

At our March 2021 meeting the Council further resolved to support the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill. The Council have written to Sir Gary Streeter MP to ask him to support the bill too.

The Town Council will continue to work to reduce it's carbon emissions and improve it's ecological impact and the biodiversity within the Town.

Below is the current plan in progress by the Town Council with actions and ideas to help the town and residents tackle the impact of the Climate and Ecological Emergency (CEE).

We know there is more happening than we know about and this is a plan for the whole town, so if you know of anything that should be added, please email [email protected]

You can view the current plan by clicking here or view it below

Please note that we have not been able to fully discuss with all groups and organisations mentioned, so their inclusion may only reflect an aim of the Town Council to investigate working with them, seek their ideas or current plans.